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Precast Stairs

KDS precast stairs and landings offer many design advantages over other construction methods, due to each unique configuration being made on custom built ramp moulds thus eliminating quality control issues normally associated with in-situ construction.


Manufactured using only the highest quality materials resulting in a type ‘A’ finish on the soffit, risers and sides as defined by the BS 8110 part 1 section


Quality Advantages

High quality specification due to factory controlled manufacturing conditions.

Eliminates quality control issues normally associated with on site in-situ construction.


Construction Advantages

A reduction in on-site labour.

Speed of installation.

Immediate access to upper floor levels.

Secure means of access from floor to floor.

Designed following approval, weeks before installation time.

One Hour minimum fire resistance plus means of increasing fire resistance.

Design loads are to each client’s unique specifications and each stair system comes with a minimum of one hour fire resistance.

To facilitate safe and rapid installation each stair flight comes with the appropriate caps and lifting sockets which are cast into the top of steps during the manufacturing process.


Design Advantages

Staircase configurations made on custom built moulds.

Ease of programming the construction of the building.

Our precast landing units are cast to suit layout of stairs (for sizes other than that shown please contact us).

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